
specgp enables 2D Gaussian process computations in exoplanet. This is accomplished by a new kernel term which combines a celerite term with a specification of the covariance for the second dimension.

While there are many uses for multidimensional Gaussian processes, one of special relevance in astronomy is simultaneously modeling variability in multiband light curves. Models of this type can be specified in specgp by a 1D celerite term to specify the common temporal covariance for each band and a vector, \(\alpha\), specifying a scaling relationship between the variability amplitudes in each band. Models of this type can be computed in \(\mathcal{O}(NM)\) time for \(N\) observations taken in \(M\) bands.

specgp is also capable of computing 2D GP models with arbitrary covariance in the second dimension which can be specified with a user-supplied covariance matrix \(R\). In this case the runtime scales as the cube of the size of the second dimension.

specgp is in active development on GitHub.

Indices and tables